Saturday 27th February 4:00 PM - Theatre By The Lake
The Closer We Get
Director: Karen Guthrie Country: UKCert: PG Year: 2015 Length: 91 mins
Described by Mark Kermode as "a poignant examination of the bonds of family love", The Closer We Get is a remarkable documentary film from Karen Guthrie.
Kermode continues, "When her mother is debilitated by a stroke, Karen and her siblings rally round, joined by father, Ian, who left them years ago, but who has remained a powerful presence/absence. Unravelling the complex strands of their home life takes Karen from Scotland to Africa, wondering how she managed to go so long without asking 'how exactly did we get here?'".
We hope that Karen Guthrie will be able to attend the screening and talk about this remarkable film.

honest and heartfelt throughout, driven by an unfashionable desire to heal, rather than merely reopen, old wounds.

Mark Kermode