Keswick Film Club - Hector

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Sunday 31st January 5:00 PM


Director: Jake Gavin Country: UK
Cert: 15 Year: 2015 Length: 87 mins

Programme Notes

Cinema Handout (PDF 91KB)

Audience Reaction

Score: 77.71% Attendance: 101




If you saw "Lady in the Van" with the great Maggie Smith, then imagine this is a "Man without a Van", starring the great Peter Mullan; you can see why it wasn't a difficult decision for us to want to show it.

Peter Mullan plays Hector, an itinerant who appears to have been on the move for a long time, but we are not told why or for how long. The story concentrates on showing that his life may have its bleak points but most of the time it is just like yours and mine: eating, washing and shopping are shown as his daily routine, even if he does it at the motorway service station he happens to have been dropped at by his latest hitched ride. He has no desire to change his life, in fact he seems happy with it, laughing and telling stories with the friends he has made along the way.

As we meet him, Christmas is coming and he is trying to get down to London to share some Christmas cheer at a homeless hostel with his friends there.

Written and directed by first-timer Jake Gavin, who has put his previous experience as a reporter and homeless hostel volunteer into showing Hector as a likeable, ordinary man, not an invisible cipher by the roadside.

"Hector is thought-provoking cinema at its best, taking a man who will make you smile and placing him in situations that'll make you cry, and evoking a host of emotions through a series of social interactions. With Peter Mullan's enormously heartfelt performance at its core, the film allows us as an audience to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, and to place value in the things we hold most important. Being dealt a bad hand is in no way aligned with being a bad person, or a lesser person at that, and Jake Gavin's brilliantly written and directed story is a glowing example of this" - Gary Arnot, Cinema Perspective



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Keswick Film Club won the Best New Film Society at the British Federation Of Film Societies awards in 2000.

Since then, the club has won Film Society Of The Year and awards for Best Programme four times and Best Website twice.

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