Keswick Film Festival

Sunday 24th February 6:15 PM - Theatre By The Lake

War Requiem

Director: Derek Jarman Country: UK
Cert: PG Year: 1989 Length: 92 mins
2013 Festival
Book Tickets War Requiem

Audience Reaction

Attendance: 88


  • More details on this film at the Internet Movie Database

Totally based around the music of Benjamin Britten and the poetry of Wilfred Owen, this is a must-see for fans of classical music or poetry, but much more than that, it is a film for everyone who wants to watch a unique anti-war film. Containing a powerful montage of images, there is no better summary of the film (and no better embodiment of our Senses theme) than that of the Washington Post - 'Jarman has added visuals so intense that this is likely to be the ultimate embodiment of the idea until someone develops a technique for recording and playing back physical sensations other than sight and sound: the impact of a shell exploding a few yards away; the feel of mud everywhere; the taste of blood coughed up from a lung wound.'

Thanks to Producer Don Boyd.


A stunning visual film that's combined with the spectacular interpretation of composer Benjamin Britten's 1961 orchestral and oratorio masterpiece.
Ozus World Movie Reviews


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