Friday 26th February 6:00 PM - Alhambra
The Violators
Director: Helen Walsh Country: UKCert: 18 Year: 2015 Length: 97 mins
The potency and fragility of adolescent desire is played out in this striking debut from British novelist Helen Walsh. Based in Birkenhead, Shelly (Lauren McQueen) and Rachael (Brogan Ellis) come from differing backgrounds but both find themselves intertwined with a predatory pawn broker - Mikey (Stephen Lord). Adding to an already intense subject matter, Walsh's use of voyeuristic camera-shots bring the viewer closer to the challenges afflicting these girls.
Helen Walsh will attend the screening and host a Q&A afterwards.

Unlike many new filmmakers from a writing background, Walsh has conceived her story in keenly image-based terms. Richly shot in unexpected ice-cream tones

Guy Lodge, Edinburgh Film Festival Criticout Of